Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Stanford University, Resources for the Future Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Stanford University Resources for the Future post 2012 climate policy




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Professor Christian EGENHOFER
Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels

Prof. Christian Egenhofer
Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
Place du Congrès 1
Belgium 1050

Tel: +32 2 2293960
Fax: +32 2 2293960

Christian Egenhofer is a Senior Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), a Brussels-based think tank specialising in EU affairs. As head of the Energy, Climate and Environment Programme, recently he has been specialising on EU energy and climate policies, including security of supply, climate policies and emissions trading.

He is also Jean-Monnet Lecturer at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP) at the University of Dundee and MBA lecturer at the Solvay Business School of Universit é Libre de Bruxelles. He is member of several editorial boards. He has worked as a consultant both for private and public organisations including various Directorates-Generals of the European Commission, the European Parliament or the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

Focus of his research has been the analysis of the long-term development of energy, transport, environment and climate change policy, notably analysis on environmental instruments (focus on tradable permits, negotiated environmental agreements and regulation). Christian Egenhofer has particular expertice on the political system of the EU, its working and notably formal and informal decision shaping and making processes.

Recent relevant publications include:
- (2002) "EU Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading: Conditions for Environmental Effectiveness and Economic Efficiency of". CEPS Task Force Report. October 2002 (together with Thomas Legge).
- (2003) Carraro C and Egenhofer C (eds), Firms, Governments and Climate Policy: Incentive-Based Policies for Long-Term Climate Change.  Cheltenham : Edward Elgar.
- (2003) "The compatibility of the Kyoto mechanisms with traditional environmental instruments"; in: Carraro C and Egenhofer C (eds), op. cit.
- (2003) “Les instruments des politiques de l'environnement”. Notes de Benchmarking international. Institut de l'entreprise, France (together with Patrick ten Brink).
- (2003), “Reform of the EU Institutions: Implications for the EU's performance in climate negotiations” CEPS Policy Brief No. 40 (together with Louise Van Schaik), See:
- (2003), “Institutional requirements”. CATEP Policy Brief on emissions trading no. 4 (together with Noriko Fujiwara), See:
- (2004), “The completion of the EU emissions trading scheme and the emerging global climate regime” CEPS Task Force Report (together with Noriko Fujiwara).
- (2004), “Market-based options for security of energy supply” INDES Working Paper No. 1. CEPS (Egenhofer et al).
- (2004), “Rethinking the EU regulatory strategy for the internal energy market”. CEPS Task Force Report (together with Kyriakos Gialoglou).
- (2005), “Business consequences of the EU emissions trading scheme”. CEPS Task Force Report (Egenhofer et al).


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