Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Stanford University, Resources for the Future Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Stanford University Resources for the Future post 2012 climate policy




Biographical Statements of Active Participants          

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Professor Michael GRUBB
Imperial College, U.K.

Prof. Michael Grubb
Imperial College
3 Clements Inn
London, WC2A 2AZ

Tel: +44.20.71707039
Fax: +44.20.71707020

Michael Grubb conducts policy-relevant research on climate change and related energy policy issues, focusing upon empirical economics of technology and the political economy of international responses. He is Associated Director of Policy at the UK Carbon Trust (half-time), Senior Research Associate at the Faculty of Economics, Cambridge University , and Visiting Professor of Climate Change and Energy Policy, Imperial College , London . Until September 1998 he was Head of the Energy and Environmental Programme at the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House in London , where he also remains an Associate Fellow. He was subsequently appointed Professor of Climate Change and Energy Policy at Imperial College , before joining the Carbon Trust in Jan 2002.

Professor Grubb has been a Lead Author for several reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) addressing the economic, technological and social aspects of limiting greenhouse gas emissions. He is editor-in-chief of the journal Climate Policy and is on the editorial board of Energy Policy . Advisory positions include the UK government (Green Globe Task Force), European Commission (including member of EC delegation to climate change negotiations), and consultant to BP and to the Shell Foundation. He has also been a member of Advisory Council, International Association for Energy Economics, and Council Member, British Institute of Energy Economics (1995-1998).

Publications include being sole or principal author of seven books:
- The Kyoto Protocol: a Guide and Assessment , RIIA/Earthscan, London , June 1999, translated into Japanese and Russian.
- Renewable Energy Strategies for Europe, Volume II: Electricity systems and primary energy sources , March 1997; Volume 1 : Foundations and context, November 1995.
- M.Grubb et al ., The Earth Summit Agreements: A Guide and Assessment , RIIA/Earthscan ( UK ), Brookings (US), April 1993.
- M.Grubb and J.Walker (eds), Emerging Energy Technologies: Impacts and Policy Implications , RIIA/Dartmouth (Aldershot UK , Brookfield VT , US ), July 1992.
- M.Grubb et al ., Energy Policies and the Greenhouse Effect, Volume II: Country Studies and Technical Options , September 1991; Volume I: Policy Appraisal, 1990 (RIIA/Dartmouth).

He is author of about forty articles in leading refereed journals, of which the most recent include:
- ‘The economics of the Kyoto Protocol', World Economics , Vol.4 no.3, Oct. 2003.
- ‘Induced technical change: Evidence and implications for energy-environmental modeling and policy', Annual Review of Energy and Environment , 2002.
- ‘Environmental implications of the Kyoto Protocol: the impact of international spillover', Climatic Change ¸ 2002.
- ‘Who's afraid of atmospheric stabilization? Making the link between energy resources and climate change', Energy Policy , July 2001
- (with Farhana Yamin) ‘Climatic collapse at the Hague : what happened, why and where do we go from here?', International Affairs , April 2001
- ‘Economic dimensions of technological and global responses to the Kyoto Protocol', Journal of Economic Studies , MCB University Press, Jan. 2000.
- (with Lee Schipper), "On the rebound? Feedback between energy intensities and energy use in IEA countries", Energy Policy , March 2000.

Other writings include widely cited book reviews in Science (Lomborg: November 2001) and Nature (Victor: April 2001), Editorials in the BMJ , Energy Policy and Climate Policy , articles in the Financial Times, and numerous book chapters, conference presentations, and articles in trade and related press.


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