
Last update:
October 27th, 2009

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Application - 2010 Summer School

In order to apply please send by e-mail to the Summer School Secretariat a single .pdf file containing the following documents in the following order:

  • the Application Form [word .doc version (494 Kb)] complete in all its field;
  • your curriculum vitae;
  • a letter of reference from your supervisor;
  • the first draft of the paper you will present (no length constraint).

The completed application form and the letter of reference from your supervisor need to be sent also by fax with original signatures. Original signatures are needed only in printed documents sent by fax.

Please note that only application received in a single .pdf file by e-mail with the application form and the letter of reference sent also by fax with original signatures, will be accepted.

Regulations of the Summer School

  • Application is restricted to 2010 EAERE member (Join EAERE calendar year 2010).
  • Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
  • Presentation of your submitted paper is conditional on acceptance to the Summer School.
  • All accepted students must attend the Summer School for it's entire duration: they are requested to arrive on the 4 th of July and depart after the school is over.
  • Students who do not respect the stated deadlines will not be admitted.
  • As the School will be conducted in English, applicants should have an adeguate working knowledge of that language.


All applications must arrive to the Summer School Secretariat by the 1st of February, 2010.
Acceptance notifications will be sent out from the 1st of March, 2010.
Final papers for presentation must be received by the Summer School Secretariat before the 1st of June, 2010.
Accepted applicants that do not respect the following deadlines will not be admitted to the Summer School.

Deadline for applications
February 1st
Acceptance notification
March 1st
Receipt of final papers from students
June 1st



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