
Last update:
October 27th, 2009

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Logistical Information - 2010 Summer School


Accommodation for the duration of the Summer School from the 4th to the 11th of July (7 nights) will be provided within the Summer School Venue. Single rooms have been reserved in the residential halls of the VIU campus on the San Servolo Island.
All successful applicants are obliged to arrive on Sunday the 4th of July and depart after the school is over on Saturday the 10th of July or on Sunday the 11th of July if they prefer so.


Breakfasts, lunches and dinners for the duration of the Summer School will be provided in the VIU Cafeteria which is open every day with following timetable:

   Breakfast  7.30 am - 9.15 am
   Lunch  12.00 pm -1.30 pm
   Dinner  7.00 pm - 8.30 pm

VIU snack bar is open every day from 9.00 am until 6.30 pm.

For further information on the VIU campus, please visit the VIU campus section of the VIU web-site.

Arriving into Venice & to the venue

Please note that timetables and prices may change: you are kindly requested to check this web-site again before your departure.

In these pages you will find logistical information on how to get to the City Centre from the main airports, from the bus terminal and car parking area and if you are arriving by train. The public water transport system, once you have arrived in Venice, can be quite complex and initially quite difficult to understand. It is our intention to facilitate your arrival with the following information.

Arriving into Venice Marco Polo Airport

Arriving into Treviso Canova Airport

Arriving by road to Piazzale Roma - Venice

Arriving by train to Venice Santa Lucia Train Station

Arriving to the Summer School venue - San Servolo Island - VIU

For your information, the following low cost companies operate in Venice or in the Treviso Airport, which is very near to Venice:

- Airdolomiti:
- Airone:
- Easy Jet:
- Meridiana and Eurofly:
- Ryan Air:
- Sky Europe:
- Transavia:
- Windjet:



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