Ess 2006 Edition: Computable General Equilibrium Modelling in Environmental and Resource Economics


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July 7th, 2006

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Lecture Notes

Prof. Christoph Böhringer Lecture Outline [.pdf version (10 Kb)].

Lecture notes:
- Integrating Bottom-Up into Top-Down: A Mixed Complementarity Approach [.pdf version (200 Kb)].
- EU Emissions Trading: What is at Stake? [.pdf version (896 Kb)].

The modeling material is provided in this zip archive (9 Kb).

Prof. Reyer Gerlagh Lecture Outline [.pdf version (12 Kb)].

Lecture notes:
- CGE in environmental economics - Opening a black box / Including Technological Change [.pdf version (1.125 Kb)].
- Carbon Leakage and International Technology Spillovers [.pdf version (653 Kb)].

Modeling material:
A short hand-on course on the need for cautious use of famous models
RG1v1.gms: A dynamic two-region model without trade. What is the role of welfare weights? [.gms version (2 Kb)].
RG1v2.gms: What is the use of technology transfers? [.gms version (3 Kb)].
RG1v3.gms: Opening up trade; non-sustainable trade patterns. Revealing the problem of a Ramsey dynamic multi-sector model [.gms version (3 Kb)].

Further modeling material is provided in this zip archive (10 Kb).

Prof. Stef Proost Lecture Outline [.pdf version (19 Kb)].

- André de Palma and Stef Proost, Imperfect competition and congestion in the City, Journal of Urban Economics, article in press[.pdf version (242 Kb)].
- Edward Calthrop, Bruno De Borger and Stef Proost, Tax Reform for Dirty Intermediate Goods: Theory and an Application to the Taxation of Freight Transport, January 2003 [.pdf version (517 Kb)].
- Inge Mayeres and Stef Proost, Marginal tax reform, externalities and income distribution, Journal of Public Economics 79 (2001) 343-363 [.pdf version (106 Kb)].
- Ian W. H. Parry and Antonio Bento, Revenue Recycling and the Welfare Effects of Road Pricing, Scand. J. of Economics 103(4), 645-671, 2001 [.pdf version (280 Kb)].
- Roberton C. Williams III, Health effects and optimal environmental taxes, Journal of Public Economics 87 (2003) 323-335 [.pdf version (73 Kb)].

Prof. Roberto Roson Lecture Outline [.pdf version (77 Kb)].

Lecture notes:
- Climate Change, Energy Climate Change, Energy Demand and Market Power in a General Equilibrium Model of the World Economy [.pdf version (1.936 Kb)].
- Imperfect Competition in CGE Models: Theory, Techniques, Applications [.pdf version (4.070 Kb)].

Prof. Thomas F. Rutherford Lecture Ouline [.pdf version (18 Kb)].

Lecture notes 1: "Decomposing the Integrated Assessment of Climate Change" [.pdf version (233 Kb)].
Files for the associated introductory computing exercises are provided in this zip archive.
The paper which provides the basis for this lecture can be downloaded from: and related computer progams (in GAMS) are available from

Lecture notes 2: "Mixed Complementarity Formulations of Stochastic Equilibrium Models with Recourse" [.pdf version (867 Kb)].
Files for the associated introductory computation exercises are provided in this zip archive. The file climate.gms represents an extension of the introductory climate model from Lecture 1 to a stochastic framework.
Lecture notes for an application of these techniques to climate policy are provided here.

Further teaching material provided by Prof. M. Scott Taylor

Brian R. Copeland and M. Scott Taylor, Trade and the Environment: Theory and Evidence, Princeton University Press, Gene M. Grossman and Oliver Gourinchas eds. Princeton, July 2003.
For further information please visit the Princeton University Press web-site.

The following files provide cge models for each of the chapters 4 through 6 of the above book:
- Basic Trade Model [.pdf version (45 Kb); .gms version (4 Kb)]
- Ch. 4 Endogenous Policy Model [.pdf version (50 Kb); .gms version (5 Kb)]
- Ch. 4 Fixed Intensity Model [.pdf version (49 Kb); .gms version (5 Kb)]
- Ch. 4 Fixed Permits Model [.pdf version (50 Kb); .gms version (5 Kb)]
- Ch. 5 Fixed Intensity Pollution Haven [.pdf version (47 Kb); .gms version (9 Kb)]
- Ch. 5 Fixed Permits Pollution Haven [.pdf version (47 Kb); .gms version (8 Kb)]
- Ch. 5 Endogenous Policy Pollution Haven [.pdf version (48 Kb); .gms version (9 Kb)]
- Ch. 5 Global Pollution and World Composition Effect #1 [.pdf version (50 Kb); .gms version (9 Kb)]
- Ch. 5 Global Pollution and World Composition Effect #2 [.pdf version (50 Kb); .gms version (9 Kb)]
- Ch. 5 Global Pollution and World Composition Effect #3 [.pdf version (48 Kb); .gms version (9 Kb)]
- Ch. 5 Endogenous Policy Enviro-friendly Pollution Haven [.pdf version (47 Kb); .gms version (9 Kb)]
- Ch. 5 Institutional Differences [.pdf version (46 Kb); .gms version (9 Kb)]
- Ch. 6 Endogenous Policy, Factor Endowments, Comparative Advantage [.pdf version (56 Kb); .gms version (10 Kb)]
- Ch. 6 Factor Endowments and Rigid Policy [.pdf version (47 Kb); .gms version (9 Kb)]

Powerpoint slides for each chapter can be downloaded from Prof. M. Scott Taylor's website.


This activity is part of the ESS RESECON project, that has received funding from the European Community's Sixth Framework Programme, Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility.
Sole responsibility lies within the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.


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