Umweltbundesamt Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei  

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Low Stabilisation Scenarios: Strategies, Technologies and Costs

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Biographical Statements of Keynote Speakers and Discussants           


Dr. Gabriela VON GOERNE
Greenpeace Germany, Germany

Dr. Gabriela von Goerne
Greenpeace Germany
Große Elbstraße 39
22767 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0) 40 306180
Fax: +49 (0) 40 30618100

Dr. Gabriela von Goerne is Climate Campaigner at Greenpeace Germany . She holds a university degree and a PhD in geology. Her main research topic covered fluid-rock interactions - first focus on the mineral tourmaline and ore-bearing fluids at CSIRO Australia, later focus on storage of CO2 in the geological underground - CO2/water interactions with different rock types at GFZ Potsdam . CCS is still in her focus at Greenpeace. Gabriela is working on climate issues including policy, sustainable mitigation strategies and energy scenarios, as well as the European Emissions Trading Scheme. She was a lead author of the recently published IPCC Special Report on "Carbon dioxide capture and storage".