Umweltbundesamt Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei  

Workshop Information
General Information
Low Stabilisation Scenarios: Strategies, Technologies and Costs

Home > General Information > Accommodation


The Workshop organisation would like to recommend the Hotel Mercure for accommodation because of its convenient location close to the workshop venue at the Potsdam 's Telegrafenberg Campus as well as the Potsdam's main station and the city centre.

In order to book a room at Hotel Mercure, please contact Johann Grüneweg.
Please note that the deadline for guaranteed accommodation at the Hotel Mercure is March 9th.

For further information about the Hotel Mercure please visit the hotel web-site.


Potsdam city map
(click on the picture to enlarge)

From Potsdam main station to the Hotel Mercure

Once you arrive at the Potsdam railway station, take the exit "Lange Bruecke", cross the street at the tram stop, turn to the right and walk down the bridge on the left-hand side. The hotel "Mercure" is located on the other bank of the river Havel , in direct sight from the tram stop on the bridge.