Umweltbundesamt Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei  

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Workshop Venue

Telegrafenberg Campus map
(click on the picture to enlarge)

Michelsen Building
(click on the picture to enlarge)

The Workshop will take place at Potsdam's Telegrafenberg Campus in the rooms H1 and H2 in building "Haus H" on the Campus.

PIK's Main Building - the Michelsen Building


The Michelsen Building (A 31) was erected in neoclassical style by the architect P.E. Spieker as the first research site on Telegrafenberg. In 1879 the Astro-physical Observatory Potsdam - the first astrophysical institute in the world - commenced its research here. Between 1969 and 1992 it was the site of GDR's Central Institute for Astrophysics. Until 2001 it was used by the Astrophysical Institute Potsdam. After a careful renovation effort the building has regained its original look and serves as the main residence of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). One of the three Cupolas is still being used for solar observations. The high performance computer of the PIK is located underground.


Great discoveries were made in basements and garages already 100 years ago. In the lower floor of PIK's main building, Albert Michelsen in 1881 succeeded in conducting an experiment that later earned him a noble prize: with a self-constructed apparatus he displayed the constancy of light speed. It was only in 1905 when Albert Einstein was able to explain this phenomenon with his theory of relativity. Karl Schwarzschild, director of the Potsdam Observatory for many years, later found the first exact solution for Einstein's equations. PIK expressed its respect to the experimentator by naming its main building after him in 2002.


How to reach the Workshop Venue

Potsdam and Berlin Roadmap
(click on the picture to enlarge)

From Berlin to Potsdam

If you are flying to Berlin, you will most probably arrive at Berlin Tegel Airport. Outside the airport buildings you will find a Berlin Transport (BVG) bus, No. X9, which will take you to Bahnhof Zoo. The journey takes about 8 minutes. There you must change to railway (any RE-train with a stop in Potsdam Hauptbahnhof). This journey takes roughly 20 minutes. RE-trains run in intervals of 30 minutes.

From some destinations you may be arriving at Tempelhof Airport. Outside this airport buildings you will find the Berlin Underground (U-Bahn) station "Platz der Luftbrücke". Take line U6 (direction: Alt-Tegel) to Friedrichstraße station - about 10 minutes - and change to the railway (any RE-train with a stop in Potsdam Hauptbahnhof) - which takes about 35 minutes.

Most buses and trains run at intervals of 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the time of day. The last connection of the evening is the bus which leaves Tegel Airport at 23:20, the RE-train from S-Bahnhof Zoo arriving at Potsdam Hauptbahnhof at 00:10. The earliest morning connection is the bus leaving Tegel at 04:54, with the RE-train arriving in Potsdam at 05:40 am. From Tempelhof the last underground will leave at 00:18, the RE-train arriving in Potsdam Hauptbahnhof at 01:10, the earliest morning connection here is the underground leaving at 04:52, with the S-Bahn arriving in Potsdam Hauptbahnhof at 05:40.

To reach Potsdam you need only one ticket, an ABC-ticket (it is € 2.40). You can get it from the bus driver, on any underground or S-Bahn station out of a ticket automat. Please note that, if you buy the ticket out of an automat, it is valid only if stamped by inserting it into an "Entwerter" - red boxes in the entrance to the platform or near the ticket automat-. If you buy the ticket from the bus driver it is valid immediately.

Potsdam city map
(click on the picture to enlarge)

From Potsdam main station to Telegrafenberg

Once you arrive at the Potsdam railway station, follow the signs to trams and buses and take the exit "Friedrich Engels Str. Cross the tram and bus station as well as the Friedrich Engels street, take the footpath ( 50 m ) to the next parallel street (Heinrich Mann Allee), cross it at the traffic light and walk uphill 100 m to the next traffic light. There you turn left into "Albert-Einstein-Str." which makes a sharp right turn and leads you uphill. From there, please follow the signs to "Geoforschungszentrum" and "Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein". On your way up Telegrafenberg, after ~ 300 m you will pass some modern wooden frame buildings; you will find the entrance to the Wissenschaftspark another ~ 300 m beyond them.