Umweltbundesamt Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei  

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 Social Programme

Thursday, 16th March 2006 - 7 p.m.
Social Dinner
Villa von Haacke Restaurant
Jägerallee 1
14469 Potsdam
Tel.: + 49 331 2701991

Dress code: relaxed formal

The Workshop organisation is pleased to invite all of the participants in the Workshop and accompanying persons to a dinner which will take place at the Villa von Haacke. The building was built for General vo Haacke by the prussian star-architect ferdinand von Arnim in 1848, and is located in the very centre of Potsdam's historical city.

Please note: accompanying persons are very welcome to partake in the social event. Therefore, we kindly invite the workshop participants to inform the workshop personnel whether they will be accompanied for the dinner.