Broadening Climate Discussions: The Linkage of Climate Change to Other Policy Areas



Programme (Last update: June 2nd, 2004)

The Conference Programme will commence with dinner and a keynote address on the evening of Wednesday, 9th June, at the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. The seven working sessions of the Conference will run from Thursday morning, 10th June through Friday afternoon, 11th June, at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore.

Printable version

Friday, 11th June 2004

Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore
All Meeting Sessions will be held in Sala degli Arazzi
9.00 - 10.30

5. Session Topic
Economic Development and International Aid
Opening Statement
Prof. Thomas C. Heller, Stanford School of Law, Stanford University

Initial Comment
Dr. Leena Srivastava, Executive Director, TERI, The Energy and Resources Institute

Discussion Moderator
Prof. Marzio Galeotti, FEEM and University of Milan

10.30 - 11.00
Break: Refreshments served in Padiglione delle Capriate
11.00 - 12.30

6. Session Topic
Urban Development and Coastal Protection
Opening Statement
Prof. Chiang C. Mei, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT

Initial Comment
Prof. Robert J. Nicholls, Coastal Engineering and Management, Southampton University

Discussion Moderator
Mr. Loren Cox, Assoc. Dir. for Program Development, MIT Global Change Joint Program

12.45 - 14.15
Lunch: served in Padiglione delle Capriate
14.15 - 16.00

7. Session Topic
Prospects for an International Climate Regime
Panel Discussion
Mr. Jos Delbeke, EC-Belgium
Dr. Jürgen Engelhard, RWE Power
Dr. Brian S. Fisher, ABARE
Mr. Cédric Philibert, OCDE-AIE
Dr. Harlan Watson, U.S. Dept. of State

Discussion Moderator
Dr. Richard Schmalensee, Dean, MIT Sloan School of Management

16.00 - 16.15

Closing Remarks
Prof. Carlo Carraro, Research Director, FEEM; University of Venice
Prof. Henry D. Jacoby, MIT Global Change Joint Program MIT



See: Wednesday, 9th June 2004 | Thursday, 10th June 2004 | Friday, 11th June 2004

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