Ess 2007 Edition: Trade, Property Rights and Biodiversity


Last update:
May 2nd, 2007

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Admission and Application

Application Guidelines

The Summer School is targeted to doctoral and post-doctoral students.
The ideal candidate is a PhD student with no more of than 4 years of research experience (full-time equivalent) since gaining a university diploma giving access to doctoral studies in the country in which the degree/diploma was obtained, excluding in this counting any breaks taken from research career for whatever reason (e.g. working outside research, family reasons, etc.) between the year in which the diploma that gives access to doctoral studies was obtained and the year I started the PhD. However, the selection of the participants does not exclude PhD students with more that 4 years of research experience.

Application is restricted to current EAERE members, both European and non European citizens. Check your EAERE membership status. Information on how to become an EAERE member is available in the EAERE website.

Admission is conditional on the presentation by each student of his/her doctoral work; therefore applicants normally need to be advanced in their PhD to have produced at least one substantive chapter, but not to have completely finished their thesis.

Given the highly interactive activities planned at the Summer School, the number of participants is limited to 20.

Women are encouraged to apply.

There is no participation fee.


Please fill in the following Application Form [word .doc version (88 Kb)] and send it both by e-mail and by fax to the Summer School Secretariat, addressed to Ms. Angela Marigo. Please note that only application forms received both by e-mail and by fax with original signature will be accepted.
Together with this form please submit also the following files to the Summer School Secretariat:

  • your curriculum vitae. Please send your curriculum vitae in .pdf format by e-mail to the Summer School Secretariat;
  • the first draft of the paper you will present. Please send the first draft of the paper in .pdf format by e-mail to the Summer School Secretariat;
  • a letter of reference from your supervisor. Please send this letter of reference both by e-mail and by fax to the Summer School Secretariat, addressed to Ms. Angela Marigo.
Info: - How create a pdf copy of your paper
  - Get the Acrobat Reader

Regulations of the Summer School

  • Applications from EAERE non members will not be considered.
  • Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
  • Presentation of your submitted paper is conditional on acceptance to the School.
  • All accepted students must attend the Summer School for it's entire duration: they are requested to arrive on the 4th of July and depart after the school is over on the 10th of July or on the 11th of July if they prefer so.
  • Students who do not respect the stated deadlines will not be admitted.
  • As the School will be conducted in English, applicants should have an adeguate working knowledge of that language.


All applications must arrive to the Summer School Secretariat by the 1st of February .
Acceptance notifications will be sent out from the 1st of March.
Final papers for presentation must be received by the Summer School Secretariat before the 1st of June.
Accepted applicants that do not respect the following deadlines will not be admitted to the School.


Deadline for applications

February 1st
Acceptance notification
March 1st
Receipt of final papers from students
June 1st


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Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility Marie Curie Actions

This activity is part of the ESS RESECON project, that has received funding from the European Community's Sixth Framework Programme, Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility.
Sole responsibility lies within the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.


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