Ess 2007 Edition: Trade, Property Rights and Biodiversity


Last update:
May 2nd, 2007

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Prof. Cees A. Withagen (School Coordinator)
Free University Amsterdam and Tilburg University, The Netherlands

Prof. Erwin Bulte
Tilburg University and Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Prof. Timo Goeschl
University of Heidelberg, Germany

Prof. Paulo A.L.D. Nunes
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and School for Advanced Studies in Venice Foundation, Italy

Prof. Steve Polasky
University of Minnesota, USA

Prof. M. Scott Taylor
University of Calgary, Canada


Experts joining the faculty group:

Dr. Peter Carter
European Investment Bank, Luxenburg

Dr. Carolyn Fischer
Resources for the Future, USA


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This activity is part of the ESS RESECON project, that has received funding from the European Community's Sixth Framework Programme, Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility.
Sole responsibility lies within the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.


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